
June 2019 Research, science and knowledge

Read the articles selected in June 2019

Reflections on University Research Assessment

Source: eua.be

If the progress of science is a matter of sharing, the pressure put on reserchers by a system of assessment more quantitative than qualitative can hinder the realization of an Open Science. This briefing intends to endorse the responsibility of the institutions to develop more responsible procedures of assessment.

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Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Coommunication

Source: eua.be

This initiative is a call to researchers, research institutions, research funders, policy makers, to support the dissemination of research results in a variety of languages, for the full benefit of the society, and promoting language diversity in research assessment evaluation and funding system.

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Chinese Phd students a risk to West in some fields, v-c warns

By John Ross

Source: Times Higher Education, 16 May

For national security concerns Western universities could be forced to deny Chinese students the access to doctoral courses in sensitive areas like quantum computing or cybersecurity that could develop militar applications, since it’s getting ever harder to draw a line between civilian and military research.

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Preparing students to find a work instead of a job

By Ron Mc Gowan

Source: University World News, 8 June

The most important challenge of educational systems is to prepare students to find a work, rather than a job. Faded away all the benefits of a steady job, students should be encouraged not only to invent the own work, but also to marketing themselves in entrepreneurial terms to meet the needs of the employers.

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The persistence of socio-economic disadvantage in education

Source: oecd.org, 3 May

Disadvantaged students are less likely to shift from upper secondary to tertiary education, also because they are overrepresented in upper secondary vocational programmes. Some countries are adopting transitional pathways that remove entry barriers to higher levels of education.

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Journal transparency rules to help scholars pick where to publish

By Rachael Pells

Source: Times Higher Education, 4 June

After new  mandatory conditions established by Plan S, journals must publish a detailed description of their editorial policies and decision-making processes, meaning to create more transparency and to support principles like those stated by San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. 

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Integrating academic recognition and quality assurance: practical recommendations

Source: eua.be

“Linking academic recognition and quality assurance” is a project which intends to develop academic recognition practices fair and effective through a system of both internal and external quality assurance, recommending in particular an appropriate institutional  infrastructure with tasks of support and monitoring.

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What can I do? What can we do? What can we do…together

By Angel Gurría

Source: oecd.org

In a world where technology meets emotions, there is hope in a progress more human. Digitalization and globalisation have created wealth and knowledge, but have left behind half of the world’s population. Here are the opening remarks by Angel Gurría at the 2019 OECD Forum.

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How to achieve the highest ethical standards in scientific research

Source: CORDIS

The European TRUST project , set up to prevent the exportation of ethically unacceptable and non-compliant research practices to poor countries has developed ethical standards in research around the world, as well as a guidance for unintentional ethics dumping.

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Measuring and assessing talent attractiveness in OECD countries

By Michele Tuccio

Source: oecd.org

National economies rely on talented and skilled individuals. Enterprises and governments compete globally to attract skilled workers. This paper provides a map of talent attractiveness measured through innovative indicators that show several dimensions influencing the choices of highly-skilled migrants.

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University mergers in Europe

Source: eua.be

When one or more institutions cease to exist legally to be incorporated into a new one or in an existing one there is a merger or incorporation. This paper maps the trends in Europe relating it to different structural factors or purposes in each country.

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Recommendation of the Council on Artificial Intelligence

Source: oecd.org

After the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, the AI Principles on Artificial Intelligence endorsed by the EC  intend to develop a technology directed to benefit our societies and economies, as well to facilitate inclusive growth and sustainable development.

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Scientists want to help restore Notre Dame, hoping to make new discoveries in the process

By Tania Rabesandratana

Source: Science, 24 May

The rests of Notre Dame Cathedral are a field open to scientific research dedicated not only to the restauration and to discover the causes of the fire, but also an extraordinary opportunity to get elements and materials buried for Centuries under the building and interessant for a broad range of disciplines.

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Oxford Universitiy agrees to let in disadvantaged students with lower grades

By Gabriella Swerling

Source: The Telegraph News

A breakthrough in its radical admission process has been announced by Oxford University with a new recruitment programme for disadvantaged students which will grant  250 state school students free tuition and accommodation from 2020.

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How European scientists will spend $100 billion

By Alison Abbot&Quirin Sciermeier

Source: Nature, 22 May

Horizon 2020, approved by the European Parliament short before the elections is worth of 100 billion delayed over 7 years. It presents the Europe Innovation Council, which not only funds innovative start-ups, but also helps sustainable development and climate-related research.

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