The interactive platform CINECA is a tool designed for universities as well as public and private entities interested in cooperating with them (MIUR, MAE and Overseas Network, CRUI, CUN, Ministry for Economic Development, ICE, Confindustria, Chamber of Commerce Associations, Research Centres, Region and Province Administrations, Municipalities). The platform offers an accurate, updated and reliable overview of projects and agreements in force between Italian and foreign universities.
Agreements can be browsed via a refined search (e.g. parameter selection, study courses, etc.) on the following website: In a search based on geographical criteria continents must be selected first, and then the search can be narrowed down to single countries. An advanced search providing additional parameters is available too.
All agreements between the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and foreign institutions can be found by selecting the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” under the list of Italian universities.
The platform can be browsed on the following website:
Regulations and Forms for International Agreements with Foreign Universities