Tuition fees for independent students
Students who do not live with their parents may declare themselves independent of their original household and can therefore present an “Attestazione ISEE-Università” (see the relevant section) which does not include their parents as part of the household.
In any case, the ISEE certificate must be issued in accordance with the relevant legislation and its legitimacy depends on the following two conditions being met at the time the DSU is issued:
the student has been living outside the original family home, in a property that is not owned by a member of his/her family, for at least two years at the time of application, and that his/her residence outside the family home is duly registered in the public records.
In the two calendar years prior to making the application, his or her declared taxable income from salaried or similar employment is at least €9,000.00 for each of the two years.
If one or both of the above conditions are not met, the student will be considered as part of the household consisting of his/her parents and the other persons identified in the family unit.