‘Today, the University of tomorrow’: so reads the slogan of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
The first step in creating the University of tomorrow is making sure that Academia and society interact: this implies rethinking strategies, organisation and operational procedures, hence reinventing University outside the perimeter of an ‘old-fashioned’ public administration. This way a dialogue with the outside world, businesses, public sector bodies, private and public research institutions and investors can be encouraged. Furthermore, relationships with local areas and their persisting communities can be strengthened in an energetic and innovative way. This means that in addition to University traditional missions (training and research) the crucial value of the so-called ‘Third Mission’ must be recognised. Reference is hereby made to the activities by which universities create direct interactions with the civil society, the productive fabric and with local development actors.Local Areas
‘Third Mission’ means forging a link among the world of university education, schools and workplace, in order for companies and the civil society to find in loco the skills they need and provide young people with a correct guidance to their work placement. Third mission means informing, bringing social innovation in relevant local areas, carrying out public engagement initiatives including innovative ones like those being promoted with momentum and enthusiasm by Tor Vergata.
Common denominator of these lines of action is the belief that an indispensable condition for local growth and development is the ability to create virtuous circles of research, education, technology, industry and services while paying attention to the enhancement of the intangible heritage representing the local social capital (culture, traditions, quality of life, respect for the environment, social cohesion). Virtuous circles that can enrich such local areas, attract energy, beckon resources. Virtuous circles that can enhance local community welfare.
The University of Rome Tor Vergata has promoted the roll-out of many initiatives following this direction: the development of a Botanical Garden, consistent projects scientifically and culturally relating to international contexts, setting up museums to enhance the archaeological and cultural heritage in our area (such as the Apr Museum ‘Archaeology for Rome’ within the University Campus, i.e. the first didactic and interactive museum about archaeology in Rome). Another clear example of knowledge enhancement benefiting the community is ‘Vivarium Novum’ Academy, which aims at promoting a great world campus of Humanism in collaboration with universities and research institutes. It fully complies with an already programmed University project designed to set up a European congress centre of excellence specializing in Humanities within the prestigious representation centre of Villa Mondragone. In order to perform such Third Mission (and to do it right), local areas close to the University of Tor Vergata have been involved in numerous and not sporadic awareness initiatives within local schools, committees, associations and charities. This to enhance the University’s social vocation and create a breeding ground for ideas and projects with widespread impact. Such was the case for an experience of social medicine by the University under an agreement with Policlinico Tor Vergata and the Diocese of Rome. It was an initiative of social and healthcare integration for socially fragile Italian and foreign citizens living in poverty: an innovative social and healthcare service for local areas experimenting on support and care, focusing on the enhancement of vocational training for professors and young researchers.
From crowdfunding to ethical cash mob
Among others, the project of civic crowdfunding ‘Saturdays at the Library!’ is worth mentioning: at the School of Economics Library ‘Vilfredo Pareto’ the University offers everyone a chance to take advantage of a study area and consultation material on a traditional closing day. Furthermore, it also aims at catalysing local cultural initiatives opening its doors to associations, cooperatives, ordinary citizens, book presentations, exhibitions, workshops and laboratories. And again, this is the case for sustainable economy experiments with ‘Workshops for the New Economy’ and theEthical Cash Mob initiatives promoted by the School of Economics and organised by students to raise awareness within the university community and the general public towards a new way of doing business. And then, this is the strong message launched by the University of Tor Vergata with the cycle of initiatives ‘Zero INdifference’ promoted by Caris Commission for Act No 104 and the Committee for University Social Responsibility: ‘Zero INdifference’, i.e. breaking differences down, erasing indifference, resetting distances towards inclusion and social interaction.
In such context it is clear that Third Mission activities are the result of synergies created within the University at different levels, as well as between Tor Vergata and the world beyond its local areas. Moreover, it is also clear that Universities are major engines for new local transformations: the Third Mission is hence a mission to rebuild local areas and territoriality. Finally, it is clear that this is the main road leading to growth in our country and to our youth’s future.
(Rector Professor Giuseppe Novelli. Published on ‘Il Sole 24 Ore - Scuola24’, May 2015)