Studenti Buddy a.a. 2022-23
Ecco i nostri fantastici studenti Buddy per l'anno accademico 2022-23.
Scopri di più sul programma Buddy 2022
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Mi chiamo Emma Ricci e ho appena finito il mio primo anno come studentessa di Global Governance. Ho intrapreso questo percorso perché ho sempre avuto tanti interessi diversi e l'approccio multidisciplinare offerto dal corso faceva proprio al caso mio. Amo la musica in ogni sua forma, suono come autodidatta la chitarra e suonicchio il piano ma la cosa che mi piace di più è cantare; ho sempre fatto sport a livello agonistico, per una vita nuoto sincronizzato e ora tennis, adoro viaggiare, leggere e scrivere, ed ogni tanto mi diletto anche con la pittura; adoro stare all'aria aperta e mi piace sperimentare in cucina soprattutto con i dolci, spero che riuscirò a trasmettere l'atmosfera del nostro campus, benvenuti a Tor Vergata!
‘Sono Carlotta Francescangeli e sono una studentessa di Giurisprudenza, in procinto di iniziare il IV anno. Ho numerosi interessi: calcio, moda, cucina, storia…oltre ovviamente il mondo del diritto!’
Giovanna Antonina FAILLACI
Mi chiamo Giovanna e sono una studentessa del Corso di Laurea Triennale in Fisica. Ho molti interessi e passioni che spaziano dall’arte alla scienza e sono lieta di poter aiutare i nuovi studenti ad intraprendere un percorso qui, a Tor Vergata!”
'Mi chiamo Giulia, sono una studentessa Laurea Triennale al corso di Economia e Management, vivo Roma da studentessa fuorisede e Tor Vergata fin dal primo giorno è diventata una seconda casa per me! Avendo da poco terminato il mio periodo da matricola sono più che felice ad aiutarti per permetterti il migliore inserimento possibile nel mondo universitario.'
Mi chiamo Valeria Chiarucci e sono una studentessa del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia e Management, curriculum Leadership & Soft Skills. Oltre l’università le mie due passioni più grandi sono la danza e i viaggi, in quanto sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove esperienze e conoscenze.
My name is Elena and I am a second-year student of Global Governance at the Faculty of Economics.
I am really interested in international relations and keen on studying languages to get to know new cultures and people."
Constance McKenna
‘My name is Constance McKenna and I am a Masters Degree Student who is studying Art History: From Late Antiquity to the Present. I am very fortunate to study the astonishing history of art in Italy. You’ll most likely find me in Museum or Church. I am from Ireland yet I am enjoying the experience of studying and living abroad. What I like most about Tor Vergata is how international we are as a University. My interests aside include art history, music, travel, food and current affairs.’
Chiara Fazi
"Hello everybody, I'm Chiara and in September I'm going to start my second year of university at Tor Vergata. My course is Internet Engeneering and I'd love to specialize in cybersecurity. I know it may be difficult to start this new path alone, so I'm happy if I can be of any help to you!"
Blaise Ntwal
I am NTWALI Blaise and I am doing my second year in engineering science at TOR VERGATA. I am glad to be in buddys' group to help new students and share with them my experience in Rome.
Shengije Dai
Mi chiamo Shengjie Dai. Sono un ragazzo cinese del corso Laurea Magistrale in Economia e Management. Ho scelto l'Italia perché mi interessano la sua cultura e la storia. Mi piacciono di più cantare e viaggiare. Spero di condividere la motivazione per la comunicazione multinazionale. E benvenuti a Tor Vergata!
Ishtehzam Shahzad
Hello, I am a bachelor's student at Tor Vergata in the engineering department. You can call me Shazy if Ishtehzam is difficult for you. I have been living in Italy for 10 yrs by now, that's why I joined this program which will make me able to help international students in getting to know this new country and new people at university. Well, If you want posso anche aiutarvi in Italiano ;)
Risvan Vilangil
I’m Risvan and soon to be a graduate from single cycle degree program in pharmacy. As the saying ‘all the roads leads to Rome’ definitely those roads took me to amazing experience, people, interactions, memories and not the least with food too! I love to roam around during my free time, dining, socializing and yes you won’t regret! Welcome to the University of Rome Tor Vergata, the future is here
Yash Yadav
I am Yash Yadav from Bae course of Torvergata University. I applied for buddy Program. I attached the picture with this email. I kindly request to upload the picture on website as same as I am sending you. In Description : I am Yash Yadav. I am doing business administration and economics course currently I am enrolling in 3rd year of the program. I like to make connections globally and like to learn different languages and culture. I also travelled some northern part of Europe. Countries which I travelled is Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Norway. During the second year of studies I got opportunity through Erasmus Program to experience Sweden for 5 months. I like to share knowledge and experience with different people. I am always happy to help others and only reason to join buddy Program. Thank you so much.
Francisco Leonel Girado
My name is Francisco and I'm a second-year student in the Master's degree in Economia and Management. Having done Erasmus twice, first in Malta and then in Valencia, besides travelling, I love learning new languages, meeting new people and getting to know their culture. I really look forward to being able to help you make the best of your time at the University.
Beatrice Alfano
"Mi chiamo Beatrice Alfano e ho appena concluso il mio primo anno nel Corso di Laurea Triennale di Business Administration and Economics (BAE). Ho subito apprezzato Tor Vergata per la sua organizzazione e voglio aiutare ad orientare gli studenti che hanno intenzione di iniziare un nuovo e bellissimo percorso qui"
Alex Robinson
Hello Guys! I'm Alex (from Jamaica) a third-year Global Governance student – majoring in Political Science, Law, and History, in the faculty of Economics and a second time UTV Buddy Program participant. Being a part of this wonderful initiative for the Academic Year 2021/2022, I had the great pleasure of giving back to our community of The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” by volunteering through this program, which was empowering for me and also afforded me the opportunity to empower other students – helping them in my small way to reach for all their goals and dreams at the beginning of their new academic careers. The experience was phenomenal, getting to know and being in dialogue with students from a varied culturally diverse and bountifully backgrounds, reminding me daily of my country’s national motto: 'Out of Many One People' - It was truly rewarding, and words cannot adequately express my gratitude, but I can say that I am excited to meet this year’s incoming students, with all their new ideas, possibilities, connections, and the many questions that they bring!