Wednesday, 20th of March h. 2pm
Francesco Tombesi is an astrophysicist and professor at Tor Vergata University of Rome. Since 2008, he has been working at NASA. During the meeting, he will talk about his international experience, his studies, and his work, sharing a coffee with you and answering your questions. Attached is his Curriculum Vitae.
The event will be held in English.
To participate, please register at the following link by March 19th:
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 20th, at 2:00 PM
Location: Lounge Room, Campus X, Via di Passolombardo 341, Rome
The "A Coffee With" format is a university initiative aligned with the strategic objectives of the University, aimed at enhancing diversity and promoting internationalization. The overall goal is to organize monthly meetings, organized by the Welcome Office, with the national and international university community, during which current issues will be addressed.
The discussions will be led by experts in an informal manner (hence the idea of conversing and having coffee together), in order to actively involve participants and stimulate them to participate in the conversation. The meetings are open to everyone and will involve various experts in the field, including professors, researchers, students, and administrative and technical staff, based on the topic of interest.
Discover previous meetings: