Aim of the project is to develop, adapt and implement an advanced and modern master curricula.
The overall aim of the project is to develop, adapt and implement an advanced and modern master curricula, either diploma or a full master programme, in the field of Road Traffic Safety within joint efforts between EU and ID‐MY-VN partner Universities according to EU Traffic Safety standards and best practices, and national accreditation standards.
These curricula will be supported by innovative approaches for teaching and learning. The new/upgraded courses will target both students and professionals, include training, in order to produce a new generation of engineers in ID‐MY‐VN with excellent theoretical and practical skills in traffic safety in terms of design, operation, planning andmanagement.
The project will share EU best practices and innovative experiences to support the development of new/existing courses, capacity and knowledge building in Traffic Safety at the partner universities.
The developed curricula will be based on market analysis needs and job demands for graduate engineers. It will be tailored to the problems, needs and local traffic characteristics in ID‐MY‐VN.
Within this overall aim the following specific objectives shall be achieved, which corresponds to knowledge triangle (education, research and business):
Increasing the awareness of the traffic accidents problem in society in ID‐MY‐VN.
To define clearly the knowledge and skills required for the master curricula in Traffic Safety according to EU standards and tailored to problems and priorities in partner countries.
A market study among Industry and Public Authorities in ID‐MY‐VN will be carried out as early at the beginning of the project (the first 3 months) for knowing the scientific and professional career and job demands in the field of traffic safety.
Different information and communication technologies (ICT) will be incorporated in the new curricula for teaching and learning.
All EU-ASIA partners will develop/share together teaching materials in traffic safety, which will be available over OpenCourseWare (web sharing platform) for teachers, students and trainees. This includes electronic/wiki library. This will provide more access to higher education for students/professionals who live in more remote towns in the country.
Mini video lectures (15‐45 minutes) will be recorded in streaming format and be available on the Project web‐based platform for each developed course contents.
A webinar meeting will be organised between partners every 2 months, for Working Groups, or with invited speakers/attendees from university and stakeholders.
New pedagogical approaches, e.g. problem‐based learning (PBL), will be tested and applied in the new curricula. Additional e.g. 3D tools modules for teaching will be introduced e.g. traffic safety investigation/reconstruction based on real accidents data. Additionally, mobile smart phone applications in Traffic Safety for teaching and learning will be introduced and investigated.
Capacity building and training/re‐training the trainers/trainees (teachers/administrative staff/professionals) .
Establishing Web‐based EU‐Asia (ID‐MY‐VN) Traffic Safety Network between universities‐authoritiesbusiness for benchmarking, exchange of experiences, accidents data, challenges, solutions and recommendations.
Establishing an interactive Web‐based EU‐ASIA (ID‐MY‐VN) databases for road traffic accidents data and analysis, which can be used for teaching (and also research). It is based on identified quantitative and qualitative performance indicators.
Developing a Handbook of EU‐ASIA (ID‐MY‐VN) standards and best practices in Traffic Safety includes national policy recommendations and action plan.
Modern lab in road safety will be established at the ID‐MY‐VN partner universities equipped with advanced hardwares, softwares and ICT tools.
EU‐ASIA International Conference in Traffic Safety will be organised at the end of project.
Summer schools in traffic safety will be organised at partner countries in summer 2023. EU teachers and EU students will attend the summer school at ID‐MY‐VN.
Teachers/Staff/Students’ mobility and training netween EU-ID‐MY‐VN.
Encouraging the establishment of Traffic Safety NGOs in ID‐MY‐VN as spin‐off of the project.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) will be signed between partners for continuous collaboration after the project ends.
Therefore, offering these important curricula (master programme/diploma for students and specialised courses for professionals) in Traffic Safety in ID‐MY‐VN will significantly increase the popularity of this topic and benefit ultimately the whole society in country and South ASIA region as well.
Project webpage:
Contacts: Antonio Comi