Bachelor Degree - School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
A Degree in Biology strongly emphasises basic cultural education in different Biology fields to adequately prepare graduates for their future workplace or to enable them to continue with university studies. The academic programme is structured according to the Professional Association of Biologists (Ordine Professionale dei Biologi - ONB) and the guidelines provided by the National College of Biologists of the Italian Universities (Collegio Nazionale dei Biologi delle Università Italiane - CBUI) to ensure student mobility throughout the country.
This Degree conveys theoretical and operational skills relating to the fundamentals of basic subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, as well as knowledge about chemical transformations occurring in biological systems. Students learn about morphological and functional aspects of cells and tissues, mechanisms relating to reproduction, development and comparative analysis of animal and vegetable organisms as well as biodiversity issues.
The course includes the study of structures and functions of nucleic acids and molecular mechanisms of inheritance in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, together with the Biology of micro-organisms, pathogens and immune response processes. Moreover, students are given the appropriate tools to interpret the results of clinical and biochemical analysis. Complex ecological theories aimed at sustainable development of populations as well as plant and animal communities enrich the curriculum.
Students are also provided with knowledge on continent population and the evolutionary history of mankind, with an emphasis on molecular aspects. Biology training is further enriched by reflections on relevant Bioethics issues.
This curriculum is completed by an English class and classes on specific subjects through teachings offered either by this Degree, the University or further bodies; they are to be chosen by students.
The course also provides students with hands-on laboratory experience (traineeship) aimed at the acquisition of more specific practical skills and completed by a course on safety standards. Traineeship attendance is mandatory and is required to graduate.
Biology professionals can work in the bio-health sector (clinical, diagnostic, etc.) but also in the most innovative areas, such as quality control, agri-food and bio-nutritional sectors; they can operate as freelancers or employees in businesses, research institutions, public and private healthcare services, universities.
Their main work opportunities include: scientific-technological promotion and development, with particular reference to the protection of animal and plant organisms, microorganisms, biodiversity, the environment; studying and understanding biological phenomena at molecular and cellular level; bioinformatic methods; regulated use and increase of biotic resources; laboratories for biological, microbiological and forensic anthropology analysis, biological and quality control on products of biological origin; biological and biochemical applications in industrial, medical, nutritional, environmental fields and cultural heritage.
Furthermore, a Degree in Biology allows graduates to pursue their academic career; the related 2-year Master Degrees at our University are: Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biomedical Sciences; Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Anthropology Applied; Bioinformatics; Medical Biotechnology; Biotechnology; Nutrition and Health Sciences.
School Website:
Degree Website:
Professor Maria Felicita Fuciarelli
Didactic secretariat:
Mrs Samanta Marianelli
Tel: +39 06 7259 4849