Master Degree - School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: LM-54
o Course type: Master Degree
o Duration: 2 years
o Access type: Open with curriculum evaluation
o School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
o Department: Chemical Science and Technology
o Course code: J63
This Degree aims at providing advanced knowledge in key Chemistry subjects (Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry). In particular, in-depth knowledge relating to reaction mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy, catalysis and analysis of complex systems is provided.
The multidisciplinary character of such training is enriched and strengthened via a series of specific classes on areas such as food, clinical analysis, electroanalysis, Chemistry of Materials and biological systems.
To draft their final dissertation students are required to carry out an 8-month internship in one of the research laboratories of their Department.
This activity can also take place at Laboratories within Research Institutions or industrial facilities upon approval of a dissertation project under a mentor's supervision.
Graduates can work as chemists, chemists for hydrocarbons and derivatives, physical chemists, industrial chemists, metallurgical chemists, organic chemists, toxicological chemists. They can be employed in chemical industries, health and environmental control bodies, research institutions.
They can perform substance synthesis and purification processes, analyse systems with complex matrices, design and validate new synthetic and process procedures, recognise materials properties as well as their chemical and physical characterisation. They can access the Italian state exam for Senior Chemist.
They can work in: public and private research institutions, testing laboratories, quality control and certification, public and private bodies and companies as employees or consultants, industries and workplaces that require basic knowledge in Chemistry.
School Website:
Degree Website:
Degree Coordinator:
Prof.ssa. Alessandra D'Epifanio
Tel: +39 06 7259 4383
Didactic secretariat:
Ilenia Travaglini
Tel: +39 06 7259 4083
Office Hours:
Mondays 10:00/12:00 – Wednesdays 10:00/12:00 & Fridays 10:00/12:00