Read the articles selected in December 2017
Comment rester laique
By Caroline Michel
Source: L’Obs, 7 Dicembre
In the public spaces, the civil law must prevail on the religious norms. In France, the principle of the secularity of the State, rooted in its Constitution, is being called into question by fundamentalism, especially discordant when appearing in the hospitals. In Saint-Denis, they have established clear rules for all.
Quand les écrivains révèlent leur secrets aux jeunes auteurs
By Astrid De Larminat
Source: Le Figaro, 8 December
In a more and more digital world, what is literature for? Its uselessness is its resource, it is a potential of perception, thought, and style which is introduced into us. Without experiencing the great books, we can’t learn to write. A few of tips for hopeful writers.
Roman photo. Délice rétro à Marseille
By Clémentine Mercier
Source: Libération, 11 December
The Mucem in Marseille presents an exposition on the photostory, the hybrid genre of popular literature which boomed in Italy in the postwar and was the window of the social changes happened through those years, as much disregarded as present by the greatest artists and intellectuals at that time.
Die Wahrheit ist meist unwahrscheinlich
By Moritz Scheper
Source: Die Zeit, 22 November
The German writer Carmen Stephan reconstructs in a roman the story of “It’s all true”, the never published and given for lost movie by Orson Welles, who wanted to let know the heroic enterprise of four poor Brazilian fishers, become a national myth, despite the disinterest of the Studios and the American audience.
The incredible inventiveness of Hedy Lamarr
Source: The Economist, 23 November
Bombshell is a documentary which tells the story of a Hollywood star who invented a frequency hopping device useful for the ships of the Allied marine and yet disdained by the military which appropriated it in the cold war when her patent was elapsed.
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Malaise dans le cinéma
By Ève Beauvallet, Julien Gester, Olivier Lamm & Didier Péron
Source: Libération, 2 December
The Weinstein affair has brought in the dock not only varies personalities that have spent their varying power in the show business but eventually also artistic works and products more commercial and popular that have legitimated and given an aesthetic pose to the masculine subjugation.
“Faire changer une langue, c’est un sacré travail!”
By Anne Chemin
Source: Le Monde, 25 November
The verdict of the French Academy and the ministerial circular on the inclusive writing in France can’t make a decision on the uses of the language and stop a change already occurred. A linguistic fact is the result of the history and is never neutral. In every sense.
Les métamorphoses du nationalisme
By François Reynaert
Source: L’Obs, 30 November
The nationalism, conceived as a liberal and democratic idea to subvert all the Ancien Régimes, from a sense of belonging to the own community and traditions has changed in hate, causing wars and fomenting dictatorships. We should always distinguish the claim of an identity from the closure to the other.
Europa wird muslimischer
By Julian Staib
Source:, 30 Novembre
A research institute in Washington starting from the number of Muslim migrants come to Europe from 2010 to 2016 has sketched out three possible scenarios related to the future trend of migrations which predict in any case an increase in the Muslim rate of the European population.
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À Montreuil, le rendevous du livre pour la jenesse
By Mohammed Aïssaoui &Françoise D’Argent
Source: Le Figaro, 30 November
The Montreuil Children Book Fair shows a generation which seems to have discovered on the Internet and in the social networks a literary dimension different from the traditional relationship with individual lecture, where the opportunities of writing are multiplied and coming back to the Classics.
Les centres commerciaux font de l’art un argument de vente
By Nicole Vulser
Source: Le Monde, 30 November
Andy Warhol had seen right. If the integration of modern art expositions in shopping centers make these more attractive spaces, the works of art acquire the mass as a spectator. The risk of banalisation is also the risk of honesty.
Le VIH, virus résistant
by Paul Benkimoun
Source: Le Monde, 29 November
This year the World AIDS Day celebrates 22 million saved lives thanks to the international mobilization triggered by the epidemics, raising the question of the inequalities in the access to the cure and treatment for this and other important diseases, a teaching for the humanity.