Master Degree (English Taught) - School: Economics
Course type: Master of Science
School: Economics
Department: Economics and Finance
Duration: 2 years
Language: English
Access type: Open with curriculum evaluation
Class: LM-56
Course code: H71
The Master Degree in Economics provides advanced theoretical and empirical tools to analyse economic issues. Graduates acquire advanced methodological and professional skills to undertake economic analysis and design economic policies.
Particular attention is given to micro and macro economic issues in the context of a globalised economy. The Degree is structured in two years; the program covers four semesters and a final dissertation worth 24 ECTS of a total of 120.
Key subjects include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Probability, Mathematic Methods, Econometrics and Time Series, Stata, Matlab, Python, Law and Economics, Labour Economics and Public Economics.
A wide range of elective courses is offered, including Big Data for Economics and Finance, Industrial Organisation, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Macroeconometrics, Microeconometrics.
Thanks to Double Degree agreements with the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and the University of Konstanz (Germany), our students have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in a multicultural environment.
M.Sc. Economics prepares students to become professional economists and researchers working at national and international institutions, consulting firms and research centers.
The skills acquired favour a theoretical and empirical understanding of the functioning of markets, and knowledge of how to design and implement economic policies.
Furthermore, this Degree represents the preliminary step for those who wish to undertake an academic career and continue their studies with a PhD in Economics at international universities.
Many former students have been accepted into graduate programs at European and U.S. universities.
Degree Coordinator
Prof. Francesco Sobbrio
Telelphone: +39 06 7259 5719
School of Economics
Via Columbia 2 – 00133 Roma
Facebook: TorVergataMScEconomics
Twitter: MScEconomicsTV
Instagram: economicstorvergata
Linkedin: economicstorvergata