Bachelor Degree - School: Economics
The Course in Economics and Management prepares students for a professional career in the fields of Business administration and management, Auditing and accounting, Company law. The Course provides essential tools to understand the functioning of market economies, business behaviour, process management and control in a dynamic and competitive environment. It also offers essential knowledge for students interested in the management of innovation at the corporate and public sector level.
The Bachelor programme is a three-years course, consisting of two years of joint training and a third year devoted to specific training and final dissertation. Regarding specific training, the course offers three distinct pathways (also named curriculum): Management, Auditing and accounting profession (Professione e Lavoro), Company lawyer (Giurista d'Impresa).
In particular, the teachings provided during the first two years of joint training include: Fundamentals of Business Administration, General management, Financial accounting, Business Organisation, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Mathematics, Financial Mathematics and Statistics, Fundamentals of Private Law, Fundamentals of public law, Commercial law, as well as a foreign language and computer skills.
Third-year courses cover topics chosen on the basis of the specific educational and learning objectives of each of the three pathways. Students enrolled in the curriculum Management deepen their understanding of corporate behaviour in the fields of Marketing, Corporate finance, Management of innovation, Management of commercial enterprises, integrating them with knowledge about Economic and industrial policy. Student enrolled in the curriculum Professione e Lavoro explore themes related to the world of auditing and accounting professions, including Tax Law, Bankruptcy Law and Labour Law, together with Professional accounting and Economic communication and financial reporting. Finally, students enrolled in the curriculum Giurista d'Impresa investigate legal issues with particular reference to Comparative Law, European Business Law and Administrative Law.
Students graduating in Economics and Management acquire methodologies and skills necessary to understand and manage complex business dynamics and implement management and control solutions within competitive environments, characterized by rapid technological innovation. Our programme prepares graduates in Economics and Management for professions in multinational companies and innovative SMEs, with qualifications including: industry analyst, business developer, expert in corporate strategy, business consultant, technology auditor, manager of intellectual property rights, expert in technology transfer and procurement activities (SCM).
Thanks to its interdisciplinary content, the Course also trains professionals able to work in the areas of business consulting, auditing and accounting, company law. Furthermore, graduates in Economics and Management can be employed in the fields of business management, management control, marketing and human resources as work consultants, accountants or industry analysts.
Degree Coordinator:
Professor Paolo Paesani
Tel: 06 7250 5701
Students Front Office:
Dott. Giuseppe Barbieri
Tel: 06 7259 5425