The Programmes (or Protocols) for Scientific and Technological Cooperation are drafted according to the priorities set out in the National Research Programme (PNR), such as promoting and strengthening the production system for scientific and technical aspects or supporting the national scientific system with respect to internationalization. The Protocols are signed seeking to make the most out of the opportunities offered by the European Union Framework Programmes for Research and Development. The Protocols provide for the development of joint research projects in the areas set out in the Agreements. This allows researchers to pay short (a few days) or long (up to three months) visits to the scientific institutions that put forth such Programmes.
The Executive Programmes for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with developed countries aim at comparing existing technologies, but also at exporting our Centres of Excellence to partner countries and importing experiences and knowledge.
The Executive Programmes for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with emerging countries are focused on activities fostering the technological development of partner countries. This involves respecting specific requirements and strengthening their research capacities also thanks to high-level training to be carried out in Italy.
Most Protocols are valid for three years. They can be extended under Act No 401 of 1990 and can be eligible for co-financing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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