Bachelor Degree - School: Law
Language: Italian
General information
o Class: L-36 (Ministerial Decree No 270 of 2004)
o Course type: Bachelor's Degree
o Duration: 3 years
o Access type: Open with entry skills test
o School: Law
o Department: Public Law
o Course code: T21
Description and teaching objectives
The course offers an interdisciplinary training, integrating traditional political and sociological teachings with the main legal and economic teachings, since the first year of the course. In the third year, three separate curricula (economic, legal, historical-political) allow the graduate to develop more specific expertise in the field of interest.
The course is characterized by the international dimension, which distinguishes most of the teachings given, and attention to language skills, whose development is devoted to two special courses as well as optional courses in English.
So, the course offer calibrates graduate education on the interdisciplinary and global dimension of the phenomena investing in institutions, administrations and businesses that are hardly liable to be decoded and governed organically by specialists in individual subjects.
The conjunction of legal, economic and political sciences, together with methodological flexibility and soft skills, is essential for creating professional figures able to work in areas such as: Public Administration and the wider public sector, increasingly characterized by private modules and criteria of efficiency and cost-effectiveness; Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial strategies; Communication and marketing, increasingly relevant to the activities of institutions and actors operating in the political arena; International relations, which from the confined reality of international organizations are opening up to the capillary role of civil society and to dynamic and innovative public / private partnerships.
Career opportunities
Graduates can serve, at national and international level, as an expert and operator of governance processes, public-private partnerships and institutional business consultants. Graduates can conduct research in the field of organization, institutional and technological innovation, design and definition of procedures and administrative services and quality assurance systems; they do optimize the organization of work, planning evaluation, motivation, training and development of human resources. Moreover, they organize strategic marketing interventions, public relations and events and they know national, European and international institutional and political system. Specifically, the graduate can play the roles of administrative and technical secretary of general affairs, technical organization and management of production factors, technical public relations, technical service of judicial services.
These functions are required by the public administration and by the organizations envisaged in the most recent governance models, from the world of associations, including international ones, that are increasingly in contact with and within these processes. As well as from the private sector operating in partnership systems.
The specialization chosen in the third year can becan be deepened in a master's degree in Economics, Letters and Political Science; the course also has a privileged link with the single cycle degree in Law.
Web references and contact
Coordinator: Professor Riccardo Cardilli
Phone: 06.72592160, 06.72592109