Scholarship by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Tor Vergata University of Rome , along with other Italian universities, is a partner of the Invest your talent in Italy, a scholarship program supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Trade Agency, Uni–Italia, Unioncamere and Confindustria.
Invest Your Talent in Italy is a program that offers international students the opportunity to develop their skills through a range of Master’s and postgraduate courses taught in English at prestigious Italian Universities, geared towards improving academic, technical and professional skills.
General entry required by “Invest Your Talent in Italy” is a three or four-year Bachelor’s degree. Specific entry requirements will depend on the chosen course.
On-the-job training at leading Italian companies, while completing your academic work, provides practical skills for your future career.
Scholarships and much more: once selected by the university of choice, you will have access to the opportunities offered by the Programme: scholarships, reductions/exemptions in tuition fees, orientation and student support services.