Read the articles selected in January 2018
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
By the European Parliament
Within the framework of the Europe 2020 strategy, the outlook of a smarter, greener economy with the target to reduce the condition of poverty or social exclusion, the European Parliament provides in this note a worrying prospect, especially for Greece and Italy.
The Inclusive Development Index 2018
A new metric of growth, an alternative to the GDP, intends to measure economic progress taking account of households’ standards of living and the general, unmet need for a more inclusive social participation to the benefits of growth, which is cause for political discontent and the erosion of social cohesion.
This is show inequality in Europe has changed across generations
By Christine Lagarde
Source:, 24 January
Building a politics more tailored to young people, with a social spending targeted to unemployment, education, and non-pension social benefits, is the milestone for the general social safety. Reducing the gap between generations goes hand in hand with a sustainable development and a stronger society.
Globalization and European integration: Threat or Opportunity
By Bertelsmann Stiftung
Source:, 24 January
This report highlights the link between populist trends, globalization fears, and skepticism towards the European cooperation. After Brexit, a new wave of optimism among the European electors seems to characterize how they see the future of the Union.
Improving refugee integration through data-driven algorithmic assignment
By Kirk Bansak, etc
Source: Science, 19 January
Researchers have developed a new algorithm which elaborates personal migrants’data such as geographical context or language and professional skills to optimize their assignment to different locations in sight of their economic integration.
Higher education’s social responsibility to refugees
By Patrick Blessinger & Enakshi Sengupta
Source: University World News, 15 December
Ensuring to all access to learning is a top human rights issue, which with the arrival of migrants questions also our rich countries, where only 1% of them attend university. The United Nations and the European Commission support educational programmes for refugees.
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Is the Agenda 2030 at the center of the global discourse?
Source:, 16 Gennaio
This report analyzes 166 statements delivered by Heads of State referring to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The sustainable development is represented in their words more as an inspirational project than as an allegation materialized in financial resources.
The Pyong Chang 2018 Pre-Games Sustainability Report
Source:, 15 Gennaio
The 2018 Seul Olimpic Games announce a message of peace which translates into new horizons where nature, sports, and economy are interconnected for the wellness of the people and the environment, and into actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a sustainable architecture.
Le nouveau désordre mondial
By Richard Waters
Source: Le Nouvel Économiste, 12 January
The geopolitical order set up by the US after the Second World War is broken apart with the Western ideals of democracy and liberalism. Addressing the world economy and security requires a cooperation between rich and poor countries unless considering wars as a normal conflict solution.
El Papa teme una guerra nuclear: “Estamos al límite”
By Soraya Melguizo
Source: El Mundo, 16 January
The Pope before the serious situation between the US and North Corea has invited the international community to the disarmament, avoiding strategies based on a wrong sense of safety, in response to a threat of destruction, and that can trigger from any banal fact a nuclear war.
Nourishment or nonsense?
Source: The Independent, 16 January
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, supplements aren’t tested to show whether they have real benefits to our health. Furthermore, if taken at high doses, they can be harmful. All that we need is in nutrient food, as evolution and nature teach.
La prossima legislatura deve mettere lo sviluppo sostenibile nella Costituzione
By Carlo Maria Martino
Source:, 3 January
A proposal for a constitutional law presented before the recent dissolution of the Italian Parliament intends to integrate into the Constitution the sustainability vision, which would expand the meaning of its Fundamental Principles, as well limiting and orienting the enterprise initiative.
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Méditerranée, histoire d’une tragédie sans fin
By Étienne Dubuis
Source: Le Temps, 21 December
In the Mediterranean Sea, the migratory route most dangerous in the world, the number of deaths has considerably decreased after the discussed agreements between Lybia and Italy. But the strategies adopted by the EU members don’t solve the all-around European problem.
Inégalités une menace planétaire
By Marie Charrel, Marie de Vergès &Philippe Escande
Source: Le Monde, 15 December 2017
A report by the World Wealth and Income Database underlines the increase in disparities as result of the wealth privatization, a gap which can wide as well shrink. The European social model seems to withstand thanks to the salary, fiscal, and educational politics.
Oceans suffocating as number of dead zones quadruple since 1950
By Damian Carrington
Source: The Guardian, 5 January
Climate change is associated with warmer waters and oxygen deficient oceans, with feedback effects on the atmosphere and the ecosystems, whose mass extinctions concern hundreds of millions of people, especially living in coastal zones and in poor countries.
Big Data for Sustainable Development
Big data produce high-quality information on the people’s well-being and behavior and bring risks and opportunities. The UN general guidance on their use inspired by human rights and ethics calls for mobilizing the data revolution for sustainable development.
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