Bachelor Degree - School: Engineering
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: L-9 (Ministerial Decree No 270 of 2004)
o Course type: Bachelor's Degree
o Duration: 3 years
o Access type: Open with entry skills test
o School: Engineering
o Department: Mario Lucertini Enterprise Engineering
o Course code: U09
This Degree integrates physical and mathematical skills with the study of methods, tools and skills required to analyse, design and manage complex systems especially relating to industrial aspects linked to staff management and production. In particular, such training focuses on the basics of economic and organisational analysis and decision-making techniques.
The course is divided into 5 different curricula, with common classes on Business Administration, Corporate Organisation and Business Management: Organisational Engineering, Production Engineering, Logistics and Transport Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering and Network System Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering Management.
The Organisational Engineering Curriculum is characterized by the study of industrial plants, marketing, Private Law and corporate information systems. In addition to the "presence" mode, this curriculum is also provided in "teledidactic" (Online Channel) mode for 120 CFU.
The Engineering Engineering curriculum covers industrial plants, models of production systems, metallurgy and production process technology. The Logistics and Transport Engineering curriculum deepens issues of transport planning, transport and logistics terminals, management and operation of transport systems, production system models and logistics.
The Infrastructure and Network System Engineering curriculum includes not only the study of transport planning, but also telecommunications infrastructure management and Information Technology infrastructures. Energy management and economics and its renewable sources are also studied.
Telecommunications Management Engineering is characterised by classes on Business Administration and Corporate Organisation, Business Management, telecommunications signals and processes, telecommunications systems, telecommunications networks and the Internet.
The acquired problem solving skills and a strongly diversified education allow engineering managers to address organisation and management problems and to interacting with fellow engineers who completed technical training.
Graduates can work in large organisations, industrial and service SMEs with tasks in strategic planning, marketing and sales, as well as in supply chain management.
Professor Massimiliano Carami
Didactic secretariat:
Ms Patrizia Dominici
Tel: +39 06 7259 7356