Bachelor Degree - School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: L-35 (Ministerial Decree No 270 of 2004)
o Course type: Bachelor's Degree
o Duration: 3 years
o Access type: Open with entry skills test
o School: Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
o Department: Mathematics
o Course code: H11
This Degree provides students with solid basic training in different areas of Mathematics taking into account not only its technical aspects but also cultural ones.It aims at training graduates with great employment flexibility and with all requirements needed to deepen their studies with a Master Degree in Mathematics or in a related discipline.
Students are expected to acquire basic skills and knowledge on the following topics via relevant teaching:
Basic Algebraic Structures, Linear Algebra, Probability Calculation, Euclidean and Projective Geometry, Computer Science and Programming, Differential and Integral Calculus for functions with one or more real variables, Ordinary Differential Equations, Topology, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Functions of a Complex Variable, Numerical Analysis, Physics and Basic Partial Differential Equations for Mathematical Physics.
Such training is completed though a wide range of related and supplementary ECTS to achieve further skills in crucial sectors regarding mathematical applications, such as Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Engineering. The first part of the course introduces Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Algebra and Computer Science with some elements of Probability, mainly for discrete models. The study of programming techniques is supported by lab activities.
Training is completed through more advanced skills in Mathematics with modelling and computational elements as well as in fields related to Mathematics. The draft of a final dissertation is supported via dedicated teaching assistance and concludes the study path. All training activities schedule tutorials and seminars designed to improve problem solving skills and to develop independent judgement and communication skills. Furthermore, laboratory activities are included both for Computer Science and Physics.
Graduates Mathematics can work in: businesses and industry; research laboratories and research centres; dissemination of scientific culture; services; public administration; a number of areas such as Computer Science, Finance, Engineering, Healthcare, Communication, Scientific, Academia; more generally, all positions which require flexible mindset, computational skills and good numeric data management, analysis and processing.
Professional profiles include: mathematicians and statisticians; technical programmers; database specialists; statistics technicians; computer and telecommunication technicians.
Moreover, graduates can continue their studies with a Master Degree in Mathematics.
School Website:
Degree Website:
Prof.ssa Lucia Caramellino
Tel. +39 06 7259 4660
Referente Didattica:
Cristiano Di Meo
Tel. +39 06 7259 4685