Bachelor Degree - School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: L-30
o Course type: Bachelor's Degree
o Duration: 3 years
o Access type: Open with entry skills test
o School: Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
o Department: Physics
o Course code: H08
This Degree provides solid basic training in Physics together with good knowledge of Mathematics. Degree objectives include acquiring knowledge in: Basic Mathematics (Calculus and Geometry), mathematical methods in Physics, numerical analysis; Classical Basic Physics: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Relativity, Wave Phenomena; basic elements of Theoretical Physics: Analytical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics; elements of related subjects (Chemistry; Electronics); basics of Modern Physics (Atomic and Molecular Physics; Solid State, Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics).
The course is divided into two curricula: Physics and Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology, andit provides approaches to understand a system through the study of the laws governing it.
The main objectives are: providing understanding of the physical world; providing the basics of the experimental method; developing the ability to construct mathematical models and framing scientific problems never heard before; increasing critical and self-critical thinking. Physicists acquire great intellectual elasticity allowing their inclusion into a broad spectrum of activities in a flexible and independent way.
Essential part of the Degree are direct experiences of laboratory techniques (specifically focussing on learning experimental techniques, data measurement and data processing) and computing techniques. Lab classes introduce the measurement of physical quantities and the concept of measurement error, which are crucial to understand the limits of experimental demonstrations. Numerical and computing analysis labs teach computing methods for complex processes whose laws are thought to be known.
Specific Physics topics can be deepened (through elective exams chosen by the students), including Biophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology.
Some agreements with the main Italian and international research centres allow students to carry out internships or draft their dissertation outside the Department, at companies, government facilities and laboratories, as well as study terms at Italian and foreign universities under international agreements and within the Erasmus programme framework.
Physics graduates can perform professional activities in areas such as: Physics technological applications at industrial level (e.g. Electronics, Optics, Computer Science, Mechanics, Acoustics, etc.); laboratory activities and related services with particular focus on radiation protection, environmental monitoring and security, development and characterisation of materials, telecommunications, remote controls for satellite systems; being involved in public and private research bodies in scientific and non-scientific areas (e.g., economics, finance, security) requiring skills to analyse and model complex phenomena through scientific methods.
Graduates can access at least one Master Degree (Master Degree in Physics) with no further ECTS required; they can perform technical professions in governmental organisations or in the private sector (banking, insurance companies, services) at intermediate decision-making levels.
School website:
Degree website:
Professor Roberto Senesi
Tel: 06 7259 4430
Didactic secretariat:
Mrs Samanta Marianelli
Tel: +39 06 7259 4849