Master Degree - School: Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences - Access type: Open with curricular skills test
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: LM-17
o Course type: Master Degree
o Duration: 2 years
o Access type: Open with curricular skills test
o School: Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
o Department: Physics
o Course code: J64
Description and Teaching Objectives
This Degree aims at providing advanced training in Physics with knowledge of specialist topics about recent Physics research. To this end, this Degree is divided into five curricula:
1. Physics
2. Astrophysics
3. Physics for Instrumentation and Technology
4. Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology
5. Physics of Complex Systems and Big Data
Curricula in ‘Physics’ and ‘Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology’ are held in Italian. Curricula in ‘Astrophysics’, ‘Physics for Instrumentation and Technology’ and ‘Physics of Complex Systems and Big Data’ are held in English.
For internships and dissertations this Degree relies on collaborations with local research institutes, CNR, INAF, INFN, ASI, and it is consortium member with other European universities.
The Physics curriculum offers several teaching programmes in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, Structure of Matter, Biosystems Physics, Theoretical Physics, Electronics and Cybernetics.
The Physics for Instrumentation and Technology curriculum includes teaching programmes in Detectors, Radioprotection and Hadrotherapy, Innovative Materials, Neutrons Physics and Instrumentation.
The Astrophysics curriculum falls under a consortium with the Universities of Innsbruck, Gottingen, Padua and Belgrade through the joint-degree Astromundus project.
Every year an agreement with the Aeronautica Militare (A.M. - Italian Air Force) allows five students in Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology to follow specific courses organised by A.M. and to be awarded with the title of Meteorologist (conferred by A.M.), in addition to their Master Degree in Physics.
All curricula and teaching programmes match with the Physics research lines of the University.
Training objectives common to all curricula are: advanced knowledge of Quantum Physics, mathematical methods for Physics and some issues regarding the structure of matter; being able to draft a final dissertation in Physics and to develop relevant research skills; skills to solve general Physics problems; being able to deepen advanced practices in specialist Physics laboratory or computing laboratory; taking active part in a seminar.
Career Opportunities
Graduates are able to autonomously identify the essential elements of a complex physical problem and model it with appropriate approximations; they will be able to work in an interdisciplinary team and present their research in an international context.
Professional opportunities and profiles include: access to PhD; Physicist (at universities, research institutes) and Industrial Physicist (Microelectronics, Telecommunications, Optics, Information Technology); management career in public administration; technical jobs in radiation protection services; professions related to Computer Science (software development, financial and economic analysis and modelling); Biophysicist; Meteorologist.
Moreover, graduates can also teach in schools after completing their teaching qualification and winning the competitions provided by the regulation in force.
Web References and Contacts
School website
Degree website:
Coordinator: Professor Annalisa D’Angelo
Didactic secretariat: Ms Samanta Marianelli
Tel: +39 06 7259 4849