Master Degree - School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Language: Italian
General Information
o Class: LM-53 - Science and Technology of Materials
o Course type: Master Degree
o Duration: 2 years
o Access type: Open with curriculum evaluation
o School: Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
o Department: Physics
o Course code: J67
This Master Degree allows students to deepen their knowledge on physical and chemical properties of materials and their applications in Biology and Engineering, hence providing them with complete, advanced training and a highly interdisciplinary approach.
The faculty's wide range of scientific expertise allows students to:
- acquire profound scientific and technological knowledge on matter structure at molecular and atomic level
- understanding the correlation of microscopic structure with materials structural and functional properties
- designing materials processes and production with cutting-edge technologies.
To this end, the course includes a variety of educational activities: from lectures to seminars, to research on specific issues.
Workshops in which students are trained to design, plan and implement experiments and measurements under professors' supervision and within research groups are frequent and allow them to draft their final dissertation. All this ensures that graduates master not only strong disciplinary knowledge and tools for individual refresh, but also skills such as the ability to simultaneously manage study and work, to work in a team and to express their scientific and technological knowledge in English.
For students of the photon curriculum, it is possible to complete the thesis at the Wildau Technische Hochschule (DE), in accordance with the procedures established between the two universities, for the purpose of obtaining the double parchment
Graduates in Science and Technology of Materials are professionals with knowledge allowing their placement in businesses or public and private research centres focusing on new materials development and study. Graduates can aspire to achieve research contracts in universities or research institutes, access management careers in public administration, skilled jobs in manufacturing industries (Microelectronics, TLC, nanomaterials and softwares) and in school education [pursuant to existing legal rules, a Degree in Science and Technology of Materials allows access to the following teaching classes:
13/A (Chemistry and Chemical Technology), 14/A, 33/A, 38/A (Physics), 48/A (Applied Mathematics), 54/A, 59/A (Mathematical, Chemical, Physical and Natural Sciences in Junior High School), 66/A, 71/A e 72/A].
Graduates in Science and Technology of Materials display a widespread tendency to continue their studies with a PhD within Italian and foreign universities.
School’s Website:
Professor Maurizia Palummo
Didactic secretariat:
Samanta Marianelli
Tel.: +39 06 7259.4849