International mobility scholarship by Regione Lazio promoting professional growth.
Torno Subito” (litterally “I’ll Be Right Back) is a Programme promoted by the Regione Lazio – Department of Education, Research, School Education and Universities.
The Initiative is aimed at:
- strengthening and improving the human capital of young people by encouraging the:
– mobility in Europe and abroad;
– networks in the professional area of interest;
– increase of formal and non-formal skills through a learning by doing approach.
- encouraging the acquisition of qualified skills by sustaining higher education through combined study and work experience pathways and, simultaneously bycreating opportunities for the development of professional networks, both in Italy and abroad;
- promoting the enhancement of the experience and the redeployment of the acquired skills in the Lazio region thereby increasing the opportunities for qualified employment to respond to the region’s economy request for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
- contributing in reducing the gap between the demand and supply of work by allowing youth to build career paths in order to respond to their needs of professional growth and specialisation in their professional sectors;
- promoting opportunities for the individual growth of youth through conscious choices able to favour autonomy and participation paths.
- allowing companies, third sector organizations, universities and research centres to internationalise outstanding competences on the basis of shared training and work experiences pathways.
Torno Subito funds individual projects. The projects must be structured in two phases:
1. a pathway of study or a work experience outside the Lazio region, in Italy or abroad;
2. a second phase dedicated to redeploythe skills and knowledge acquired in the previous phase, within Lazio by a work experience, start–upprojector research activity.
Torno Subito pursues the principles of equal opportunity and accessibility for everyone and in particular, it foresees specific support measures to encourage the participation of people with disabilities.
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