Info for visiting staff coming to Tor Vergata University
The Welcome Office handles the bureaucratic procedures for obtaining visas for visiting professors, professors, CEL (temporary teaching staff), contract teachers, fixed-term researchers of type A and B, research fellows, research grant holders, researchers with collaboration contracts, visiting scholars, administrative staff, and other similar figures, cooperating directly with the relevant authorities in the territory: Immigration Department, Territorial Labor Ispectorate, Police Headquarters, etc
The bodies involved with the arrival of international staff, whether they are Departments, Autonomous Centers, Faculties/Areas or Offices of the Central Administration, must promptly communicate the relevant information to the Welcome Office to initiate the application process by completing the online form available at the following link:
Once received the needed information, the Welcome Office handles requests for:
• Clearance for scientific research in favour of Non-Eu Postdoctoral Researchers, Fixed-term Researchers, Researchers with their own funds.
• Provisional clearance for self-employment in favour of Non-Eu Visiting Professors (up to 90 days).
• Study visa for Non-Eu Fellows and Visiting Scholars.
Please note:
Visa requests for students and PhD candidates of non-EU citizenship, who will proceed with enrollment, remain a responsibility of the relevant offices.
Once the procedure is initiated, the Welcome Office contacts arriving personnel to provide necessary support and assist with procedures until their arrival in Italy.
If international personnel need to travel with family members, the Welcome Office initiates the visa clearance requests for accompanying family members of non-EU citizenship.
Furthermore, the Office provides information on necessary documents for staying in Italy (tax code, residence permit, health insurance) and on the potential request for family reunification.
Considering that obtaining clearance/visa typically takes about 3 months, due to the technical timelines of the involved entities on the territory and any shipping times abroad for original documents, it is recommended to start the procedure promptly.
It is also crucial to ensure that incoming international personnel of non-EU citizenship have scheduled appointments in advance at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in their country of residence, as appointment times may be rather lengthy.