Pagina 4    News, avvisi ed eventi pubblicati: 62

It's Shopping Time: the Future Sight Store is Online

Limited edition T-shirts, mugs, sweaters, bottles and much more for the 40th anniversary of Tor Vergata University.

Human Rights: Tor Vergata supports Iranian women in their call for solidarity

Tor Vergata University of Rome member of RUniPace supports the battle of Iranian women.

Italian Language Courses for International Students

Italian language courses for the academic year 2022-23

Meet Tor Vergata's 2022/23 Buddies

Buddy program helps new students settle in with the support of other enrolled students.

World Day for Cultural Diversity 21st of May 2022

CUG and the Welcome Office of Tor Vergata University launch a call to celebrate diversity

YUFE: pilot project ending November 30th

Tor Vergata University will no longer be part of the YUFE Alliance

In memory of Farzan Saremi

The university mourns the passing of a young student.

Online Open Day: YUFE Student Journey

22 and 28 of March 22 from 11:30 to 13:30

Tor Vergata University Welcomes 700+ New International Students

Erasmus+ and Oversease programmes attracted students from all around the world to study in Rome Tor Vergata.

New Double Degree in Medicine and Surgery with Universidad CLAEH

Tor Vergata University of Rome signed an agreement with CLAEH Universidad of Montevideo in Uruguay.

Work as a Volunteer at Formula-E Rome E-Prix 2022

Become a protagonist of the Rome E-Prix and live the spirit of competition.