
SAP Student Ambassador Program Tor Vergata University

SAP Tor Vergata

Tor Vergata University of Rome launched the Student Ambassador Program for the first time, a project aimed at promoting integration, inclusivity, and cultural exchange.

The ambassadors are students enrolled in our degree programs who come from various parts of the world, taking on a key role in fostering dialogue, integration, and inclusion.In the pilot phase, five students were selected: four female students from Turkish, Arabic, Persian and Russian-speaking regions, and one male student from a Hindi-speaking area.

The plan is to furtherly expand and increase the number of participants. The student ambassadors will play a multiple role, offering welcome and orientation support as well as promoting our University. They will also provide practical support by sharing their experiences to ease adaptation and integration for new students.

During this initial phase, they will create content in both English and their native languages for specially developed social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube), with the goal not only of sharing information but also of creating connections among students from different backgrounds, also through chat interactions.

Additionally, the ambassadors will be active on the Unibuddy platform to interact with students, answering questions, addressing concerns, and providing information on www.unibuddy.com. This platform, launched specifically for the project and soon to be integrated into our University's website, serves as an important tool to facilitate communication and strengthen the sense of community among students.

The program's operational management is overseen by the Division of Global Engagement and Mobility, particularly by the Welcome Office.

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